Video: Growth @ Apply Digital

The Ask: To create a video highlighting Apply Digital’s culture of growth and learning as a tool to support our recruitment team’s efforts on LinkedIn and the company’s website.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and planning: Crafting a narrative based solely on interview footage begins with preparing solid on-camera interview questions, and exploring possible answers with your subjects ahead of time. There’s also concepting, equipment and shoot planning, and budget management to consider. All in a day’s (or week’s) work.

  2. The process: This project was shot in both our Vancouver and Toronto offices, requiring travel between my home and these two locations. Shoot days started with assisting in the set-up of cameras and lights. Then, as soon as our interview subjects arrived it was straight to work. I asked each of their pre-prepared questions on camera and then worked with them in real-time to refine their answers down to sound bites that would work well when superimposed with the responses of other interview subjects.

  3. Post-production: Once back in the digital editing suite, I reviewed all footage and transcribed out the takes that made the cut using an AI tool. Then, I ordered each cut into a cohesive narrative, and gave this order to my videographer and motion designer for them to work their magic. Some back and forward took place, including troubleshooting moments with weaker sound, before presenting a final draft cut to internal stakeholders for feedback and approval.

The Result: This video continues to support Apply Digital’s recruitment efforts, and is featured on their website and social channels.


Content Strategy & Copywriting: AGI


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