CSR Video: Apply Digital Supports the Vancouver Farmers Market

The Ask: This on-site feature on the Vancouver Farmer’s Market was created to promote Apply Digital’s corporate social responsibility collaboration and friendship with this non-profit organization.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and planning: Acting in a supervision capacity, I supported the team as they planned this shoot, inviting them to consider all logistical and creative options from a strategic and brand perspective.

  2. The process: I joined the team on-site at the Vancouver Farmer’s Market for the day of the shoot. My main focus was supporting the first-time creative producer as she interviewed stakeholders from our company at the Market about their collaboration. Despite the rainy day, the conversations were warm and friendly. Additional b-roll was shot within the market.

  3. Post-production: After getting inside and dried off, we regrouped as a team and made a plan for processing the footage. As editing began, I supervised and approved final interview clip selection, and provided creative direction for the final cut.

The Result: This video is featured on Apply Digital’s home page, and continues to promote this tech company’s Corporate Social Responsibility priority.


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