Article: How Can We Build An Accessible Metaverse for All?

The Ask: To develop a thought leadership article exploring a unique and impactful slant focused on the emergence of VR brand activation experiences to promote Apply Digital as a leader in the digital UX space.

The Process:

  1. Competitive analysis: By reviewing thought leadership content produced by our competitors, I was able to determine both what they were saying, and the areas yet to be discussed.

  2. Concept ideation: After exploring several angles, I emerged with a concept that had not been written widely about and would promote Apply Digital’s increasing commitment to the WCAG 2 Accessibility Guidelines through the lens of the VR space.

  3. Implementing the plan: I began with research, familiarizing myself further with the WCAG 2 guidelines and conducting informational interviews with various stakeholders within Apply Digital and our partner companies.

  4. Execution: Once my final draft was completed, I sought and received approval from the Head of Marketing and the CTO, and then worked with a graphic designer to develop images and a layout to bring the article to life on our company’s blog.

The Result: In addition to supporting several successful business development bids, this article continues to rank within the top 10 articles visited by visitors to

Have a read here.


CSR Video: Apply Digital Supports the Vancouver Farmers Market


Content Strategy & Copywriting: AGI