The Ask: To steward stronger customer relationships in Oak Bay, Victoria, BC using existing, pre-cut footage to create social-ready video content as part of a larger #TELUSsmiles campaign.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and planning: I began with a review of the footage in question, before ideating some possible narrative structures designed to connect TELUS and the warm and friendly feel of a smile in our customers’ minds. After presenting these narratives to relevant stakeholders, I gained organizational buy-in and got to work.

  2. The process: This messaging was informed by a solid concept in mind — it isn’t what we say, but how we say it. From here, I connected the idea of doing good with the result of doing good — the happiness and warmth it inspires in others. Told entirely in slates (words on screen), this narrative knitted together great footage of our street team handing out chocolate bars in the Oak Bay, BC area and gave deeper meaning to these happy interactions.

  3. Post-production: Flipping the ordered shots along with the new copy back to TELUS’ in-house production study, I then went back and forth with a team that included a brand lead, videographers, and motion designers. Finally, we emerged from this process with a short video ready to screen on social media channels.

Results: This video was posted and shared across TELUS’ Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels, reaching an audience BC and Canada wide.


Case Study: Tishman Speyer- Elevating the Tenant Experience


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