Case Study: PLLAY- Betting on AI

The Ask: To highlight the collaboration of multidisciplinary teams and complex technologies in the development of an AI-powered wagering platform that adhered to localized gambling regulations while also creating a carefree, fun, and secure user experience.

The Process:

  1. Understanding the work: Meeting with the main contributors from each of our in-house teams, as well as a client stakeholder, I asked questions designed to flush out both the work itself and the benefit of each contribution.

  2. Building the story: I took all of this away, defined a cohesive narrative, and presented it as a unified storyline celebrating the client and user benefits of our work.

  3. Preparing for Publication: As with every case study, I shared a draft version with each discipline contributor for review, incorporating their feedback before seeking final sign-off. Once copy was finalized, I worked with a marketing designer to develop a complimentary visual narrative in layout form.

The Result: This popular case study continues to support Apply Digital’s business development efforts.

Have a read here.


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