TikTok Campaign: The Secret Life of mRNA

The Ask: Provide creative direction and copywriting for a TikTok campaign promoting the future potential of mRNA technology for a prominent pharmaceutical client.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and planning: Working with a senior motion designer, I explored narrative options, tested the viability the potential concepts considering target audience and platform trends, and then chose our finalists.

  2. Implementing the plan: Presented the ideas along with creative direction to my team of writers, who quickly got to work, returning with drafts for review and fine-tuning.

  3. Execution: Once final drafts were approved, I worked alongside the writer and motion designer to storyboard the animation, present to stakeholders for sign-off, and then finally approve these animated TikTok-ready shorts.

  4. Publication: Strategically choose hashtags and optimum posting times based on best practices designed for maximum exposure.

The Result:
The campaign garnered over 33K impressions and 9K likes within a 3 week period of time.

See this work in action here.


Case Study: PLLAY- Betting on AI


Content Strategy & Copywriting: Restaurant Brands International