Video: NFTs- The Best Is Yet to Come

The Ask: To create a thought-leadership video as part of a larger campaign promoting Apply Digital’s fluency in NFTs.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and planning: Shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, this documentary required a fair amount of creative problem-solving in the preliminary planning stages. As Creative Producer, I found and enlisted three subject matter experts from within Apply Digital, and developed a rough outline of the narrative structure. Then, acting as Anchor, I worked out a script to join each section, while also coming up with interview questions for each subject.

  2. The process: All filming was done using iPhone cameras from the safety of our socially isolated home office locations. Both myself and the filmmaker ‘zoomed in’ remotely to support each subject matter expert, and help refine interview questions into usable soundbites. Finally, after each of these segments was shot and in the digital can (so to speak), I put my Anchor hat on to write and record on-camera bridges built to weave together a cohesive and engaging narrative.

  3. Post-production: Working closely with the videographer, I reviewed all Subject Matter Expert footage and selected the best clips to use, and assigned each a label. Then, building upon the narrative developed in the previous stage, I ordered the clips, and delivered this list to our videographer/motion designer. Content and creative jams ensued, and at the end of the day, we were very proud to released the short documentary above.

Results: This documentary was released as part of a larger campaign that included articles and social posts designed to support both Apply Digital’s expertise in blockchain and NFTs, and secured the acquisition of several major clients.


Article: The Environmental Cost of NFTs: 3 Steps Forward, Many More to Go


Political Campaign: Kelly Allard for Medicine Hat City Council