Article: The Environmental Cost of NFTs: 3 Steps Forward, Many More to Go

The Ask: To develop an article highlighting Apply Digital’s fluency and leadership in the emerging NFT space.

The Process:

  1. Competitive analysis: I began by reviewing what our competitors were saying, identifying related topics saturated by discussion, and identifying opportunities for Apply Digital to say something different.

  2. Concept ideation: Following this research, I arrived at a concept that mainly remained ignored in all the hype surrounding the rise of NFTs: the environmental impact.

  3. Implementing the plan: I initiated the process by delving into research from NFT and environmental organizations and through information interviews with in-company stakeholders.

  4. Execution: With a final draft complete and approved by stakeholders, I worked with a graphic designer to finalize the layout and images, and then published this piece on our company blog.

The Result: The article complimented a larger campaign designed to promote Apply Digital’s capacity to build blockchain databases and deliver secure, immutable data management technology. To explore other related collaterals, use the ‘tags’ function to the lower left of this page.

Want to check out the article in full? Click here.


Video: Women @ Apply Digital


Video: NFTs- The Best Is Yet to Come