Sales Video: Goodbye Old School Commerce

The Ask: To support Apply Digital’s thought leadership in composable commerce/MACH, as part of a larger campaign.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and planning: Prior to shoot day, I worked closely with Subject Matter Expert Brian Lloyd to plan a concise ‘thought leadership’ pitch demonstrating that our team isn’t wasn’t just knowledgable about the MACH/composable commerce landscape of the day, but had the foresight to predict upcoming trends in the evolution of stacks/suites technology.

  2. The process: On the day of the shoot, I worked with a crew that included two videographers and one production assistant to organize numerous on-camera interviews, including this segment with Brian Lloyd. Brian had some notes prepared from the ideation and planning phase, and I worked with him in real-time to refine these sound bites with a final narrative in mind.

  3. Post-production: Once back in the digital editing suite, I reviewed all footage and transcribed the takes that made the final cut using an AI tool. Then, I ordered each cut into a cohesive narrative, and gave this information to my videographer/motion designer for them to work their magic. Finally, we were able to find an example from Oracle that demonstrated Brian Lloyd’s predictions coming through, offering us an ideal outro along with the opportunity for a sales-focused CTA.

The Result: With the kismet of perfect timing, we were able to release this video the same week Oracle ended services for many clients, a huge schism that Apply Digital was able to comment on immediately and — better yet — offer a solution for right away.


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