The Ask: To develop a multi-platform health care correspondent designed to deliver messaging in a non-traditional way to seniors living with cardiovascular disorders. This campaign was a variable component in a longitudinal study conducted by the Interdisciplinary Chronic Disease Collaboration (ICDC), University of Calgary, and my agency, Emergence Creative.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and development: Joining the project during its iterative stages in the capacity of copywriter, I worked in a tight knit team that included my agency leads, a content strategist, a designer, and doctors from the University of Alberta to frame messaging for various cohorts based on diseases and compliance to medical recommendations.

  2. Implementing the plan: MOXIE was designed to look and feel like receiving correspondences from a friendly, zany, and super knowledgeable friend. Drawing on a variety of historical and contemporary facts, MOXIE wove together narratives designed to share info on medications, diet, and healthy lifestyle choices in an unconventional way. Simultaneously, this character’s relationship with the audience of patients grew in the same way a reader gets to know their leading protagonists as a novel progresses.

  3. Execution: The targeted group in this study was segmented into cohorts based on their disorder — diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease — as well as their behavior patterns following advice from their doctor. We delivered messaging across four channels:

    • Print Mailers: Sent weekly with a rotating focus each time— medical condition, medication info, tailored for behavior and general trust building

    • A Digital Portal: Designed for seniors to check in, self-report on their health and well-being, and learn information helpful to their health journey

    • Emails: Serving the dual purpose of nudging seniors to engage with their portals, and also sharing helpful information

    • SMS Text Messages: Like with the emails, these short concise messages invited participation in the digital portal and also shared helpful tips

The Result:
“Patients reported that the educational materials provided helpful information, acted as a reminder, improved confidence, improved adherence to medication, and helped initiate conversations with providers about indicated medication.” - Exploring patient and pharmacist perspectives on complex interventions for cardiovascular prevention: A qualitative descriptive process evaluation (2020)

”Much like the operating system that Joaquin Phoenix's character falls in love with in Spike Jonze's movie Her, MOXIE seeks to create a patient experience that feels personalized, responsive and understanding of individual lifestyle contexts, by combining personal, social and entertainment elements. The MOXIE platform represents a revolution in managing chronic medical conditions by influencing patient behaviour.” - Yahoo! Sports media coverage

Ready to meet MOXIE for yourself?

  • Monthly Mailer: Received by all patients here

  • Medication Mailer: Tailored for medications here

  • Adherence Mailer: Targeting specific concerns related to non-compliance here

  • Condition Mailer: Condition specific mailer here

  • Patient Portal: Designed for education and patient check-ins here


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