Video Case Study: Arc’teryx Equipment

The Ask: To develop a video case study that highlighted a low-connectivity enabled app Apply Digital designed for adventure clothing manufacturer Arc’teryx.

The Process:

  1. Creative ideation and planning: I began with a script. Then, working closely with a videographer/motion designer, we presented storyboards and received client and company buy-in.

  2. The process: As soon as the script was approved, I got to work assisting in identifying the right stock footage, screen shots, music and voice over artist to bring our vision to life.

  3. The final phase: Working in iterative cycles with my videographer/motion design colleague to discuss the flow and tweak elements using, we finally unveiled the finished video to internal and client stakeholders, receiving resounding approval prior to publication.

Result: This two-minute video resulted in Apply Digital winning the 2020 NYX Award Gold Metal and the 2020 Canadian Marketing Association Award, and continues to support multiple business development bids.


Series: The Importance of User Research


Article: What Does App Development Teach Us About Human Connection?